Custom Made CMO Employment Agreement Template

This custom CMO employment agreement contract is a legal document between you the employer and your employee that outlines the employee’s terms of employment and the duties and responsibilities of both parties.

This employment contract for a Chief Marketing Officer outlines the officer’s responsibilities in building the company’s marketing and public image. The CMO is responsible for overseeing a company’s overall marketing, branding, digital presence, advertising, and sales strategy.

Preview CMO Employment Agreement Contract

About The CMO Employment Contract Template

This CMO contract template has been designed to include terms common to general employment contracts and important terms that a marketing contract should have while leaving room for customization based on your company’s needs.

Unlike roles like CEO and COO, not every company has a CMO, and the responsibilities of the role differ from company to company.

It is important to note that if the CMO is a co-founder of the company, they would need to sign a cofounder agreement outside of their employment contract, as the cofounder agreement governs the relationship between the founders and contains provisions like share ownership, capital contribution, and vesting schedule. Download the perfect cofounder agreement here.

Why You Need This Custom Made CMO Template

This employment agreement template has been carefully vetted by lawyers with qualifications in multiple jurisdictions, and extensive experience in technology, business operations, management, and structuring, who have worked with some of the fastest-growing companies in the tech space.

This template is written in simple, comprehensive grammar and the legal words have been explained in terms that are easy to understand by founders and entrepreneurs without needing additional legal review.

This CMO Employment Agreement Contract Contains:

Employee Information:

This provides for the name and address of the parties to the contract: the Chief Marketing Officer and the company, as well as the effective date on which the agreement is entered into by the parties.

Definition of Terms:

This section defines the terms used in the contract and the context in which they are used to make it easy for parties to correctly interpret their rights and obligations under the agreement.

Term of employment:

This is an optional clause that can be used if the employment is for a specific period of time or can be removed if not needed.

Duties and Responsibilities:

Clearly state the roles and responsibilities of the CMO. This will help to ensure that the officer understands their rights and responsibilities for the duration of the agreement.


This clause is very important and provides for the agreed compensation to the officer in exchange for the services rendered to the company. Compensation here includes cash, stock, bonuses, paid leaves, and other benefits.


The contract also provides for the grounds on which the agreement between the parties can be terminated and benefits to be paid (if any) in such instances. This covers instances like death, disability etc


The officer must consent not to disclose any sensitive, or confidential information (trade secrets) belonging to the business to unauthorized third parties.


Restricts the officer from moving to a competitor of the company after the contract is terminated for a period of time within a particular region.

Intellectual Property:

Another important clause for an employment agreement is a clause stating that all ownership of intellectual property rights belongs to the company. This is necessary to prevent a situation where the employee wants to claim ownership of the intellectual property of things created while in employment by the company

Dispute resolution:

The agreement provides the various methods of resolution available to the founders in the instance of any dispute or misunderstanding which cannot be resolved amicably.

CMO Employment Agreement Contract FAQ