Custom-Made SPV Operating Agreement Template

A Special Purpose Vehicle refers to a legal entity that is created, as its description implies, for special reasons. An SPV is created for this purpose and is limited to the function of that purpose as stipulated. It does not bear any rights to uphold or partake in any acts other than that which is described in the Special Purpose Vehicle Operating Agreement. An SPV is a creative means employed by larger business entities for a number of reasons and generally for the benefit of that larger entity.

This SPV agreement template is tailored for a single-member limited liability company to be utilized as an SPV in order to engage in beneficial activity, i.e fundraising, development of particular sectors, etc. It has been carefully vetted by lawyers with qualifications in multiple jurisdictions across Africa and the United States of America, with extensive experience in technology and working with some of the fastest-growing companies in Africa.

It is written in simple, comprehensive grammar that is easy to understand by founders and entrepreneurs. Unlike other legal agreements filed with long and hard-to-understand legal words, the legal terms in this template have been broken down and explained using terms that can be read and understood by anyone.

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Why You Need This SPV Operating Agreement Template

  • This SPV operating agreement template is a means for a company to create a separate entity for fundraising purposes, as it gives more financial freedom that the parent company may not possess.
  • This SPV operating agreement template is tailored to specific goals and allow for a more focused approach to certain market goals.
  • This SPV operating agreement template can be used by investors and venture capitalists as a means of pooling capital for investment purposes.
  • This SPV operating agreement template bear separate books from the larger entities and so will not necessarily be tied to the parent entity in cases of loss and high-risk outcomes.

Information You Need For This Template

To fill out this SPV Operating Agreement to your needs, here is some information that will be asked of you in the form:

  • Name of the SPV
  • Name of the Manager of SPV
  • Name and address of 4 members of the fund (SPV)
  • Chosen Location for Arbitration
  • Percentage Management Fee (percentage of the fund’s total assets that will be taken)
  • Carry percentage (percentage of profits that managers will get to keep in addition to their management fee)
  • Name and Domicile of the Organizer
  • Name and domicile of a portfolio company (parent company)
  • The principal office location of the SPV
  • Total capital contribution amount of all parties (how much will the total sum of contributions be)
  • Amount to be contributed per member (how much is each member expected to pay)
  • The amount which administration costs of the Fund will be capped at (the limit to the amount to be allocated for administration costs)
  • Set-up fee amount (which is included in the admin cap above)
  • The administration fee ranges per month
  • The notice period for a manager’s resignation
  • Duration of time for the presentation per manager’s requests (where manager requests certain documents, information, etc. as may be necessary)
  • Duration for delivery of power of attorney.

SPV Operating Agreement Template FAQ​