Custom-Made Terms of Use Template

A Terms of Use agreement is a legal document between you (the company or business) and your users that sets out the rules for engagement with your business. It informs your users of how they must use your website, app, or service and helps you protect your company’s business, legal, and financial interests.

Your Terms of Use must be clear, reasonable, understandable, and easy to find on your website in order to be binding and enforceable.

Although there is no legal obligation to create a term of use, it is highly recommended and is a simple but effective way to help you avoid legal issues with your users.

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About The Terms of Use Template

This Terms of Use template has been created using simple, comprehensive words and phrases that are easy to understand by anyone. It has been carefully vetted by lawyers with qualifications in multiple jurisdictions and extensive experience working with technology companies.

There are so many benefits to having a Terms of Use agreement. It helps you protect your intellectual property rights, prevent abuse and control unacceptable behavior by users of your platform, limit your contractual liability and stipulate which laws should regulate the contracts between you and your user.

Information You Need For This Template

To fill out this agreement to your needs, here is some information that will be asked of you in the form:

  • The name of the company
  • The website of the company
  • Use of the website or app: Briefly describe the use of your website or app and how customers interact with it.
  • Describe the business of your company.
  • Contact information of the company: email address and phone number.
  • The country under whose laws the agreement will be governed: This is the country where the business is carried out.

This Terms of Use Template contains:

Effective Date:

This is the date from which the Terms of Use will take effect.


You should define terms used in the agreement and what they do or do not include.

Rules for Users:

These describe to users what they can and cannot do on your website. It also includes user restrictions, such as the fact that users must be up to a certain age to be able to use your website or app.

Intellectual Property:

This helps to protect the company’s intellectual property by providing that the website and all services provided are the exclusive right of the company, and prohibiting users from reproducing, distributing, or otherwise infringing on the company’s IP.

Disclaimers, Liabilities, and Warranties:

These help you share information with your users while restricting your contractual liability. They should cover areas like malware and viruses, unauthorized third-party actions, or information inaccuracies. You can also limit your liability by putting a cap on the amount you will be liable to users if sued by them.

Changes to Terms:

Clearly inform your customers of your right to update or change your terms. Also, state how you will notify them of any changes you make, so they have the chance to continue or opt-out of using your services.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Clearly set out which laws govern the contracts which your users enter and which country’s courts will handle disputes should they arise. This is usually the country or state where your company is registered.

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